We believe people are the foundation to business success.
Established in 2003, we design and deliver inspirational training programmes with energy, integrity and enthusiasm. We provide consultancy services in the area of human resources as well as providing executive coaching services.
Creative Concepts is an international consultancy and we believe people are the foundations of business success.
Our track record is impressive across both public and private sector organisations in the UK, Europe, The Middle and Far East. We have worked with many large national and international organisations including Punter Southall, PKF, the London Stock Exchange, DHL, P & O Nedlloyd, Portsmouth National Health Service Trust and London Borough of Hounslow Council to name but a few.
Our approach is very person centred with the aim of giving participants in any of our programmes the time, space and opportunity to learn about themselves, undertake some analysis and work through their professional issues and challenges in a supportive environment.
We also work with a variety of learning interventions including demonstrating how technology may support learning away from any classroom based elements since our experience suggests a blended approach is most successful.
The following key elements underpin all our learning interventions:
Learning is experiential and interactive using a variety of resources and exercises – these include but are not limited to: business and theoretical models, case studies, action learning sets, resource signposting, reading lists, e-learning, coaching, audio recordings, support and challenge groups, research challenges, pre-course questionnaires, profiling tools, work based projects, assignment tasks etc.
Learners will be encouraged to develop and apply a range of skills and to enhance their own performance during and beyond classroom based programmes.
We help all our learners to identify their natural strengths and to address areas where they need additional support and development.
The emphasis throughout will be on continuous learning and reflection and its application to the individual and the business.

We spend time with our clients to understand their issues and find the root causes that need to be addressed. This may involve us undertaking some research, or interviews with key stakeholders if the root causes are unclear.
We will provide all clients with a full proposal covering the aims and objectives, the measurements of success, our recommended approach, how we will evaluate and quality assure our interventions and a full cost breakdown so nothing is left to chance.
We operate in partnership with you to agree the specific details of any project or intervention.
We commit to taking action and ensuring it happens.
We work with you to determine the measures of success.
We maintain regular contact with you at every stage of the process.
Approximately 80 % of Creative Concepts work is repeat or referral business so you have the confidence you are buying an organisation that will deliver the results your business requires.
Our training programmes are delivered with energy and enthusiasm and have a pragmatic focus. This means that your people will return to work motivated to make practical changes that will benefit your business from day one.
Creative Concepts programmes can be run with 1 or 2 trainers which provides our clients with the flexibility to put larger groups through a training programme together for consistency of message and speed of achievement. For the delegates 2 trainers add variety, depth of knowledge and keeps interest levels high. Whether our clients choose 1 or 2 trainers, we will always work to ensure full understanding of the training content and individual attention.
Creative Concepts consultancy team are specialists in their chosen field and all share a passion for people. Our roots are in big business, yet we are a team which values a true partnership approach. This means your business will get the bespoke help and valued experience and expertise to manage your specific issues and deliver the targeted results you are seeking.
Creative Concepts consultancy arm focuses on providing practical assistance to your business. This means you will get simple, tailored solutions that meet your needs and improve the way you manage your people or processes that work from day 1.
As an organisation, we pride ourselves on being flexible which means you can choose options that suit your way of working and allow you to manage your issues in a time frame that works for your business.
Learning is experiential and interactive using a variety of resources and exercises – these include but are not limited to: business and theoretical models, case studies, action learning sets, resource signposting, reading lists, e-learning, coaching, audio recordings, support and challenge groups, research challenges, pre-course questionnaires, profiling tools, work based projects, assignment tasks.
Learners will be encouraged to develop and apply a range of skills and to enhance their own performance during and beyond classroom based programmes.
We help all our learners to identify their natural strengths and to address areas where they need additional support and development.
The emphasis throughout will be on continuous learning and reflection and its application to the individual and the business.